Monday, January 4, 2010

Double elbow


Alhamdulillah today i learnt a new technique from my Cifu.

1. Technique to escape when someone grab you from behind. By using your right elbow you closely take your opponent's arm and give a single strike at his/her face/chest with your elbow.

Then, you continue by attacking your opponent by using your left elbow to your opponent's face/chest!

2. By using your right elbow , you hit your opponent's arm and the same elbow will strike and hit your opponent's face/chest. At the same time, the left hand will give a powerful punch to penyawa musuh area when your right hand will be used to make a cover/block just in case your enemy want to launch the attack.

Simultaneously, your right leg will play its role to make your opponent's inbalance.

3. Technique to bring down your opponent. When your opponent attacks you by using his/her right hand, then we will enter from our right side ( outside )towards to the opponent's right side leg. Then by using our right arm we enter and strike hard straight at our opponent's neck area. Then, our left arm will protect our body ( face & others) from to be attacked by opponent. At the same time, our right leg will divert the opponent's leg to make him/her inbalance.

4. Technique by attacking and hitting ( pijak )the opponent's leg.

5. Technique if our opponent punchs/strikes below our chest, we need to apply the buah 5 style.

6. Technique if our opponent punch/strike above our chest area ( face ) then we need to apply the technique to divert the opponent's arm higher in order we want to eat more!

7. Technique if our opponent's suddenly attack us at right side, then we simplify by using our right knee, give 1 powerful knee strike to our opponent's stomach or penyawa area!

8. Technique if we terlepas from our mad opponent, then we simplify can use our leg area ( tumit) to give one hard strike to her/his betis.

9. Technique by hitting the opponent's ear!

10. Technique by using our bahu, we attack and strike our opponent by using the combination of our both hand which is combined closely to neck or chest area!

11. Technique "bidasan rotan"...Our arm will hit our opponent's face or penyawa like the bidasan rotan.

12. Technique "masuk sendeng/ketam ". By using this technique we launching the attack by using our either right/left elbow. If we use our LEFT elbow so we also need to use our LEFT leg to enter to our opponent's body. By using our elbow, we strike at our opponent's chest area. Simultaneously the same hand will hit the penyawa area and later the elbow will hit the dagu part! Then we use our leg to make our opponent's inbalance and we continue with others hit by using the knee & etc till our opponent can't wake up anymore.

Below is one philosophy which i obtained from my Cifu.

a) Bunga Lian
b) Putik Lian
c) Buah Lian
d) Masak Ranum Lian
e) Jatuh Lian



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