Thursday, May 1, 2008

To perform Umrah..


Insyallah we will be performing Umrah in 23 May ( while 2 weks school holiday break ).
We use the Andalusia package umrah.

I called Ustaz Daud Cik Ngah because to check with him below matter:

1.0 How my daughter ( 8 years old girl) who still not baligh yet will perform the Umrah. The answer is i need to berniat on behalf herself. Then, she need to obey all pantang larang ihram. So she also need to perform all ibadat umrah as usual such as :
a) To perform tawaf 7 times
b) To perform Sai between Bukit Marwah & Safa for 7 times
c) To perform the Tahlul
d) Tertib

*Note: While perform the Sai, i should not to carry herself because she need to do it by herself. She need to understand that is one of the jihad !!!The worst case, i need to rent the kerusi roda in case she doesn't energy!

2.0 While at Mekah, do we need to take a special Wuduk (Air Solat) in case we want to adhere and apply if we touch the not muhrim ( man and woman) so our wuduk is still valid. The answer is NO need to take a special wuduk. Only apply what while at Masjidil Haram so automaytically if we accidently touch the others women without desire so our Wuduk still valid and available. Then, we not need to renew the wuduk.

*Note: According to Ustaz Daud, this special arrangement ( No Batal wuduk while touch the others women) is not valid and can be applied while we at Madinah!!

*Note: Doakan all task ..



ROFI said...

Hi Basteng! Welcome to the world of blog. Love to read your ideas more...

Basteng said...

Tq Rofi...

I guess i know and get familiar with .. you...right???? :)

Yousaf said...

Good post your blog seems older if you are still active i would like to ask something about best umrah deals for Asian Muslims as you know the market for hajj and umrah is so big in Asia.