Monday, November 24, 2008

The Law of Cause and Effect


I would like to share with you regarding the linking between attitude.

There are two types of people in our world, the active and the passive. Only about 10 percent of people are proactive and although they are very much in the minority, they are the movers and shakers in every field.

They are the people who take their lives in to their own hands and make things happen. And a great things happen to them because they act on every opportunity that comes their way.

A great idea is worthless unless you act on it immediately. A measure of success is how fast you can develop and implement that idea a reality.

1. The law of Cause and Effect explains that for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. Therefore, nothing happens by chance. Use this law in developing your action plan. Choose actions that will surely or most probably produce the result you desire.

2. If you don't achieve that result, accept that your actions were not alignment with that result. Review your past actions and make necessary changes what will produce the ersult you desire.

Good luck in all of our future life to face the uncertainty of world economy!!!


Thank you..


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