Sunday, November 2, 2008

To be a better Man


I always challenge myself that even my old past generation was not from the ulama@Kiai@Wali but i will do my best to be the good human beings.

I can recall that not much the relegion knowledge we could acquire if we depend only the formal school system.

Also i cannot blame my parents with the limited knowledge of Islam in my mind.

Therefore, what is my choice for the better change?

1. With hard work, i must discipline myself to learn and acquire a new knowledge especially relating with Islam. In Islam has so many area which i need to learn sich as Fiqh, Fardu Ain, Tasawuf and etc.

The important is we must take the first step to learn as much as possible this type of knowldge. The reason in this world, nobody will pity and sympthy to you if you don't know about that knowledge.

One day, we will be facing the death in order to meet ALLAH s.w.t.

As a result, i must equip myself with necessary knowledge to face this present world.

I list down several step to get a relegious knowledge:
a) Learning by your ownself. This can be done by attending the ceramah majlis ilmu in mosque or by buying the CD from Ustaz.

b) By buying the religious book and read and try to undertand what is the lesson from that book.

c) By reading the Quran and Hadis book such as from Muslim and Iman Al-Bukhari. Try to understand what is the target ayat to be remembered and make a practice, practice till you can remember the ayat!

d) Please don't forget to pray and always doa to ALLAH s.w.t to help us in order to make our effort more easier during that learning process.

Thank you.



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